I am currently taking applications for a Pretty Committee.I might be Massie.I really want to be.But if someone really wants to they can have it.Just answer these 3 questions.

1.Who would you be?

2.Do you have over 30 viewers?

3.What are the advantages you will bring to my Pretty Committee?

Also you do NOT have to be from wordpress.You can be from weebly like me.But you can always be from wordpress.


Massie Alpha Block

Isabelle Summer Smith
8/1/2013 06:46:39 am

Ok thx but last time i tried wordpress it didnt go in so i am going to stick with weebly.unless you know a way to be accepted into wordpress.

Isabelle Summer Smith
8/3/2013 01:32:59 am

Hey r .m.b i just got on to wordpress but i was trying to do an Alicia blawg for u but i messed it up and now i have to stick with massie srry

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